Premature Ejaculation Treatment in Unani Medicine

Unani Treatment for Premature Ejaculation: An Insight into Traditional Healing

Premature ejaculation (PE) is a common sexual disorder affecting men across the world, characterized by ejaculation that occurs sooner than desired during sexual intercourse. The issue not only impacts the individual’s personal life but also leads to psychological distress. While modern medicine offers various pharmacological treatments, many individuals seek alternative medicine for natural and holistic approaches. One such alternative is Unani medicine, a centuries-old system rooted in Greek philosophy and developed by Muslim scholars, which focuses on balancing the body’s humors to maintain health.

Unani medicine provides a unique perspective on the treatment of premature ejaculation by employing a holistic approach that addresses both physical and psychological aspects of the condition. This blog post delves into the Unani understanding of premature ejaculation, its causes, and the various treatments proposed by classical Unani scholars. We will explore treatments backed by references from Unani medical texts such as the Al-Qānūn fī al-Ṭibb (The Canon of Medicine) by Ibn Sina (Avicenna) and Kitab al-Hawi fi al-Tibb by Al-Razi (Rhazes), and other classical works. Premature Ejaculation Treatment in Unani Medicine

Understanding Premature Ejaculation in Unani Medicine

In Unani medicine, the concept of health is based on the equilibrium of four bodily humors (Akhlat):

  • Dam (blood)
  • Balgham (phlegm)
  • Safra (yellow bile)
  • Sauda (black bile)

The balance of these humors is essential for maintaining physical and mental health. Any imbalance in these humors can lead to diseases, including sexual disorders such as premature ejaculation.

Premature ejaculation in Unani is understood as a result of an imbalance in the humors, particularly an excess of heat (Hararat) or coldness (Burudat) in the reproductive organs. In Unani terms, this condition can be attributed to the weakening of Quwat-e-Mudabbira (the faculty governing ejaculation) and Quwat-e-Baah (sexual power or libido), resulting in the inability to control ejaculation during intercourse.

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Causes of Premature Ejaculation According to Unani Scholars

The Unani system attributes several internal and external factors to premature ejaculation. Some of the common causes mentioned in classical texts include:

  1. Excess Heat in the Body: Excessive heat in the mizaaj (temperament) of the individual, particularly in the liver and heart, can lead to premature ejaculation. Ibn Sina, in Al-Qānūn fī al-Ṭibb, discusses the relationship between excessive heat and sexual dysfunction.
  2. Weakness in the Reproductive Organs: Weakness of the nerves (Asab) and muscles in the reproductive system, leading to a loss of control over ejaculation. Al-Razi mentions that nerve weakness and poor physical strength play a role in premature ejaculation.
  3. Mental Stress and Anxiety: Stress, anxiety, and over-excitement during sexual activity are seen as significant factors. Mental health is closely tied to sexual health in Unani medicine, and it is believed that psychological distress can aggravate the condition.
  4. Excessive Sexual Activity: Frequent sexual activity is thought to deplete Quwat-e-Baah (sexual vigor), leading to an inability to control ejaculation. Unani scholars advise moderation in sexual activity to maintain sexual health.
  5. Dietary Imbalance: An improper diet that leads to an accumulation of phlegm (Balgham) or bile (Safra) can also be a contributing factor. Al-Razi emphasizes the role of diet in maintaining the balance of humors, recommending dietary regulation for treating PE.

Unani Treatment Approaches for Premature Ejaculation

Unani treatment focuses on restoring balance to the humors and strengthening the reproductive organs. The treatment strategies are comprehensive, incorporating herbal remedies, dietary modifications, regimental therapies (Ilaj bil Tadbeer), and lifestyle changes. Below are some of the key treatments recommended by classical Unani texts for premature ejaculation:

1. Herbal Remedies (Ilaj bil Dawa)

Several herbs are used in Unani medicine to treat premature ejaculation, many of which have aphrodisiac properties and strengthen the reproductive organs:

  • Asgandh (Withania somnifera): Known for its rejuvenating properties, Asgandh is commonly prescribed to improve strength and vitality, thereby addressing sexual weakness.
  • Kundur (Boswellia serrata): Kundur is mentioned in Unani texts for its nerve-strengthening properties, helping to control premature ejaculation.
  • Mastagi (Pistacia lentiscus): Mastagi is a resin recommended for improving the strength of reproductive organs. It is used in various Unani formulations to increase sexual stamina.
  • Jaifal (Myristica fragrans): This spice is known for its stimulant and aphrodisiac properties. It helps in reducing anxiety and improving control over ejaculation.
  • Zafran (Crocus sativus): Saffron has long been used as a tonic for improving sexual function. It is also valued for its ability to calm the nerves and reduce stress, which is beneficial for individuals with PE caused by psychological factors.
  • Ginseng (Panax ginseng): Though not originally a Unani herb, ginseng is included in modern Unani formulations for its role in enhancing stamina and reducing fatigue.

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2. Dietary Recommendations (Ilaj bil Ghiza)

Unani scholars place a strong emphasis on dietary regulation for the treatment of sexual disorders. The following dietary recommendations are given for premature ejaculation:

  • Nutritious, Warm Foods: Foods with warm temperament, such as meat broth, almonds, honey, and eggs, are considered beneficial for increasing sexual vigor and strengthening the reproductive organs.
  • Avoid Cold and Moist Foods: Foods with cold and moist temperaments, such as dairy products, cucumber, and melons, are discouraged as they increase Burudat and weaken sexual potency.
  • Increase in Aphrodisiac Foods: Certain foods like dates, almonds, and fenugreek are considered aphrodisiac in Unani medicine and can enhance sexual stamina.
  • Avoidance of Excessive Salt and Sour Foods: These can disturb the balance of humors and exacerbate symptoms of PE, according to Unani scholars.

3. Regimental Therapy (Ilaj bil Tadbeer)

Unani regimental therapies involve a variety of physical methods to improve the overall balance of the body and strengthen its vital faculties:

  • Massage Therapy (Dalk): Massage with oils such as olive oil or sesame oil is prescribed to improve circulation and strengthen the nerves. A gentle massage on the back and thighs is particularly beneficial for enhancing sexual function.
  • Cupping (Hijama): Cupping is used to remove excess heat from the body and to improve the balance of humors. This method is believed to help in reducing stress and promoting relaxation, which indirectly helps in controlling premature ejaculation.
  • Leech Therapy (Irsal-e-Alaq): Leech therapy has been recommended for various ailments, including sexual disorders. By improving blood circulation and balancing humors, this therapy can help in rejuvenating the reproductive organs.
  • Exercise and Physical Activity: Regular physical activity is recommended to improve stamina and strengthen the body. Mild exercises such as walking and light stretching are often prescribed to enhance sexual health.

4. Psychological and Behavioral Therapies

As mental health plays a significant role in premature ejaculation, Unani medicine also emphasizes managing stress and anxiety:

  • Relaxation Techniques: Techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, and visualization are recommended to reduce anxiety and promote relaxation during sexual activity.
  • Counseling: In many cases, counseling is recommended to address psychological issues such as performance anxiety or relationship problems, which can contribute to premature ejaculation.

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Modern Integration of Unani Treatments

In recent years, there has been a renewed interest in the integration of traditional systems like Unani with modern medicine. While the use of pharmaceuticals like selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and topical anesthetics is common in allopathic medicine, Unani treatment offers a natural alternative with fewer side effects.

Clinical studies on herbs like Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha) have shown promising results in improving sexual stamina and reducing anxiety, which corroborates traditional Unani practices. However, more research is needed to substantiate the effectiveness of Unani treatments for premature ejaculation in larger, well-designed clinical trials.


Unani medicine offers a rich tradition of treating premature ejaculation by addressing both physical and psychological aspects of the condition. The treatment is holistic, focusing on herbal remedies, dietary regulation, regimental therapies, and mental health. By restoring the balance of the body’s humors and strengthening the reproductive system, Unani medicine aims to provide a natural and long-term solution for individuals suffering from premature ejaculation. This is Premature Ejaculation Treatment in Unani Medicine.


  • Ibn Sina, Al-Qānūn fī al-Ṭibb (The Canon of Medicine)
  • Al-Razi, Kitab al-Hawi fi al-Tibb (The Comprehensive Book of Medicine)
  • Ibn Rushd (Averroes), Kitab al-Kulliyat fi al-Tibb (The General Principles of Medicine)
  • Hamdard Pharmacopoeia of Eastern Medicine

At Ansaar Clinic, we understand the impact premature ejaculation can have on your confidence and relationships. Our specialized Unani treatment offers a natural, effective solution that targets the root causes of this condition.

Unani medicine is an ancient holistic system that combines herbal remedies, dietary adjustments, and lifestyle changes to restore balance in the body. Our expert practitioners at Ansaar Clinic personalize each treatment plan to your unique needs, ensuring long-term results without side effects. The Unani approach improves your overall vitality, enhances endurance, and strengthens reproductive health.

If you’re looking for a safe, proven way to treat premature ejaculation and reclaim control, Ansaar Clinic is here to help. Don’t let this condition hold you back—embrace a healthier, more confident you with our trusted Unani solutions.

Book your consultation today and take the first step towards lasting change!

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