Best foods to increase discharge time in male

How to increase discharge time in male?

Your question was How to increase discharge time in male. Now we will gives you derailed answer. Premature ejaculation (PE) is a common sexual issue that affects many men globally. Defined as ejaculation that happens sooner than desired, it can lead to frustration and affect intimate relationships. While it is natural for discharge times to vary, the concern arises when ejaculation happens consistently within a minute or two of penetration or before either partner wants it to. Fortunately, there are natural remedies, including foods, lifestyle changes, and specific techniques, that can help men increase their discharge time and enjoy more fulfilling sexual experiences.

In this comprehensive article, we will explore effective strategies, foods, and lifestyle changes that can help men increase discharge time and improve their sexual health.

How to increase discharge time in male

Understanding Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is characterized by the inability to control or delay ejaculation during sexual activity. Several factors contribute to this condition, including:

  • Psychological factors like stress, anxiety, or relationship problems.
  • Physical factors like hormone imbalances or medical conditions like diabetes or erectile dysfunction.
  • Lifestyle factors like poor diet, lack of exercise, or excessive consumption of alcohol and tobacco.

Addressing these factors with natural solutions such as diet, lifestyle changes, and certain techniques can significantly help manage and reduce the occurrence of PE.

Effective Techniques to Increase Discharge Time

Before delving into foods and lifestyle changes, let’s start with techniques that can help men control their ejaculation.

1. The Stop-Start Method

The stop-start technique is one of the most well-known strategies for managing premature ejaculation. Here’s how it works:

  • During intercourse or masturbation, stop all stimulation as you feel you’re nearing ejaculation.
  • Take a short break (about 30 seconds) until the urge to ejaculate subsides.
  • Once the sensation passes, start again.

By practicing this method over time, men can gain more control over their ejaculatory reflex and gradually increase their discharge time.

2. Kegel Exercises

Kegel exercises help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, particularly the pubococcygeus (PC) muscles. These muscles play a significant role in ejaculation control.

  • To find the right muscles, try stopping urination midstream. The muscles you use are the ones you’ll want to strengthen.
  • Once identified, contract these muscles for 5-10 seconds and then release. Repeat this process 10-15 times per session, and aim to do several sessions daily.

Strong pelvic floor muscles will give you better control over ejaculation and help you last longer in bed.

How to increase discharge time in male

3. The Squeeze Technique

This technique involves squeezing the tip (glans) of the penis just before ejaculation to reduce arousal and delay climax. When done correctly, it can help slow down the ejaculatory process. However, it requires practice and communication with your partner to execute properly during intercourse.

4. Mindful Breathing

Often, men who experience PE are overly focused on the outcome of sex rather than the process. Mindful breathing exercises, similar to those used in meditation, can help you remain calm and present, reducing anxiety and allowing you to last longer.

  • Breathe slowly and deeply during sexual activity to calm your mind and body.
  • Focus on the sensations rather than worrying about performance, which can reduce the likelihood of early ejaculation.

Foods to Increase Discharge Time

Certain foods can promote sexual health by improving stamina, increasing libido, and enhancing control over ejaculation. These foods can have a positive effect on your hormonal balance, circulation, and nervous system health, all of which play a key role in prolonging discharge time.

1. Bananas

Bananas are rich in potassium and contain the enzyme bromelain, which enhances testosterone production. This helps increase energy levels and improve sexual stamina, allowing men to last longer in bed.

2. Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate contains flavonoids, which improve blood circulation and increase serotonin levels in the brain. Higher serotonin levels have been linked to delayed ejaculation and improved mood, making dark chocolate an excellent food for those looking to increase discharge time.

3. Oats

Oats are a natural libido booster. They help increase testosterone levels, which improves sexual performance. Oats also contain amino acids that relax blood vessels, ensuring better blood flow to the penis, which can help maintain erections for longer.

4. Spinach

Spinach is rich in magnesium, which helps dilate blood vessels and improve circulation to the pelvic region. This increased blood flow can enhance sexual stamina and allow you to last longer.

5. Watermelon

Watermelon contains high levels of citrulline, an amino acid that relaxes and dilates blood vessels, much like Viagra. Better blood flow can lead to improved erections and longer-lasting sexual activity.

6. Nuts and Seeds

Almonds, walnuts, flaxseeds, and pumpkin seeds are packed with essential fatty acids, zinc, and magnesium, which are all critical for testosterone production and sexual stamina. Zinc, in particular, has been shown to help delay ejaculation by improving hormone balance.

7. Garlic

Garlic contains allicin, a compound that improves blood flow. Increased circulation can lead to better erectile function, which can help men sustain sexual activity for longer periods.

8. Eggs

Eggs are a good source of protein and Vitamin B6, both of which play a role in balancing hormones and reducing stress. Lower stress levels can reduce performance anxiety, allowing men to better control ejaculation.

9. Avocados

Avocados are packed with potassium, folic acid, and Vitamin B6, all of which are vital for healthy circulation and hormone regulation. Eating avocados regularly can help improve sexual stamina and control.

10. Honey

Honey contains boron, a trace mineral that helps regulate testosterone and increase libido. Consuming honey regularly can improve your overall sexual function and help prolong discharge time.

Lifestyle Changes to Increase Discharge Time

In addition to incorporating specific foods into your diet, making key lifestyle changes can further enhance your ability to delay ejaculation and enjoy better sexual health.

1. Regular Exercise

Physical fitness is essential for sexual health. Regular exercise helps improve blood flow, boost testosterone levels, and reduce stress—all of which contribute to better sexual performance.

  • Cardio exercises like running, swimming, or cycling improve cardiovascular health and stamina, which is essential for lasting longer in bed.
  • Strength training increases testosterone levels, which can improve libido and sexual endurance.
  • Yoga and Pilates can help strengthen pelvic floor muscles, which play a key role in ejaculation control.

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2. Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is crucial for maintaining hormonal balance, reducing stress, and improving sexual function. Men who don’t get enough sleep are more likely to experience issues with stamina and ejaculation control.

  • Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night to ensure your body has enough time to recover and produce sufficient levels of testosterone.

3. Limit Alcohol and Tobacco

Excessive alcohol consumption and smoking can negatively affect sexual performance by reducing blood flow, causing erectile dysfunction, and lowering testosterone levels. Limiting or eliminating these substances can significantly improve your ability to last longer during sex.

  • Alcohol can dull your senses, impair judgment, and reduce sexual sensitivity, which may lead to premature ejaculation.
  • Smoking reduces blood flow to the penis and can lead to erectile dysfunction.

also read- Best Medicine for Early Discharge

4. Reduce Stress

Stress is a major factor in premature ejaculation. Chronic stress can lead to anxiety and tension, which often result in early discharge during sexual activity. Here are a few ways to manage stress:

  • Meditation and mindfulness practices can help reduce anxiety and improve focus during sex.
  • Deep breathing exercises can lower your heart rate and help you stay calm and in control during sexual activity.
  • Time management and relaxation techniques such as yoga or massages can help reduce daily stress levels.

5. Stay Hydrated

Dehydration can lead to fatigue, decreased blood flow, and reduced sexual stamina. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day helps ensure proper circulation and energy levels, which are essential for lasting longer during sex.

6. Open Communication with Your Partner

Sometimes, sexual performance issues can be resolved through better communication with your partner. Expressing your concerns and desires can reduce performance anxiety and help you feel more comfortable and confident during sex.

  • Foreplay: Take time with foreplay, as it can increase mutual satisfaction and reduce the pressure to perform quickly.
  • Change in Positions: Certain sexual positions may allow for better control of ejaculation. Experimenting with different positions may help you find ones that enable you to last longer.


This post gives best and trusted answer to the question How to increase discharge time in male .Increasing discharge time and improving sexual stamina requires a multi-faceted approach that includes effective techniques, dietary changes, and healthy lifestyle choices. By incorporating foods like bananas, dark chocolate, and spinach into your diet and practicing techniques like the stop-start method and Kegel exercises, you can significantly improve your sexual performance and delay ejaculation. Additionally, making lifestyle changes such as regular exercise, stress reduction, and proper hydration can further enhance your ability to last longer in bed.

By following these strategies consistently, you can experience greater control over your ejaculation, improve your sexual health, and enjoy more satisfying relationships with your partner. Remember, it’s always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional if premature ejaculation persists, as it could be related to an underlying medical condition that may require further treatment.

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